A Very British Blog

Hot drinks are a staple of the British diet and as such, we will almost always come into contact with someone selling something magical to us, but as Brits, we’re naturally sceptical toward anyone who screws with our brews. Tea is fantastic, most of us are used to having a…

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Conditioned to Have no Time!

One of the main reasons we created The Chosen Few, was dealing with adulting. None of us were particularly good at it and our time management sucked, we lost our love of training and short WOD style workouts reignited our love for it.  For a simple taste of the weekly…

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Exercises Women Should Avoid!

Some of the wealthiest people in fitness today have a huge following and turn over more money than many of us can ever imagine.  Hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake and there is such fierce competition, you occasionally see some truths get bent as a way of ‘standing…

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Caffeine use In Sports

SPORTS THAT LIKELY BENEFIT FROM CAFFEINE USE Endurance sports : Trained cyclics – Hodgson et al 2013: 5mg per kg, 60min pre event. Powder vs instant coffee, placebo and decaf Universally 6mg per kg of BW improved performance in cyclists, Doses of 1.5mg have been negatively linked Desbrow et al…

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Fasted Cardio for Fat Loss – Fact or Fiction?

Fasted Cardio for extra shreds? It’s still very common to see people perform their morning training (cardiovascular) in a semi-fasted state (after an overnight fast, before their breakfast) in an effort to increase their fat-burn. . The general theory behind fasted training is that glycogen is partially depleted overnight and…

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Don’t Disagree With Me, You Troll!

Let’s talk about “Confirmation Bias” because it’s absolutely rife in the world, not just our industry alone. “THE TENDENCY TO SEARCH FOR, INTERPRET, FAVOR AND RECALL INFORMATION IN A WAY THAT CONFIRMS ONE’S PREEXISTING BELIEFS & HYPOTHESIS.” A confirmation bias is often emotionally charged, causing people to hang onto or…

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